Sunday, June 18, 2017

Learning to walk on water

…Peter…walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid… —Matthew 14:29-30

 Don't look at your the Lord. When we simply use our earthly wisdom...we can see circumstances as hopeless. I've fallen into this trap many times. I've looked about me and said, "Life isn't fair." "If only...." "I'm doomed." "We'll never be able to ....."

Life doesn't always turn out the way you plan it...and it really is hopeless apart from the Lord. But...He is powerful. He enables. He will never leave us nor will He forsake us. His plans are often quite different than our plans. When something catastrophic happens...we must remember that He is God. He doesn't have to answer to anyone. He gets to choose.

If you are truly recognizing your Lord, you have no business being concerned about how and where He engineers your circumstances. (Oswald Chambers)

If you debate for even one second when God has spoken, it is all over for you. Never start to say, “Well, I wonder if He really did speak to me?” Be reckless immediately— totally unrestrained and willing to risk everything— by casting your all upon Him. You do not know when His voice will come to you, but whenever the realization of God comes, even in the faintest way imaginable, be determined to recklessly abandon yourself, surrendering everything to Him. It is only through abandonment of yourself and your circumstances that you will recognize Him. You will only recognize His voice more clearly through recklessness— being willing to risk your all. (Oswald Chambers)

People, ....please take this warning seriously. I heard his voice, ignored his warning...went my own way and suffered the consequences. A lesson that was learned the hard way. Practice self-abandonment in favor of His ways!

God is good. He has our best interests in mind. Trust Him.

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